Tar River Implements |

Flail Mowers - TRDB Series - Ditchbank

The Tar River hydraulic offset pivoting ditch bank mower is the ideal machine to maintain ditches or embankments around your property.  Hook up to the standard 3 point like a normal flail mower that is pulled directly behind the tractor. When in the full operating position the TRDB-053 & TRDB-063 will mow 90° up and 30° down, while the TRDB-069 will mow 90° up and 35° down. All models come standard with heavy hammer knives and a perfectly balanced rotor for a smooth operation.

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Hook up to the standard 3 point like a normal flail mower that is pulled directly behind the tractor. When in the full operating position the TRDB-053 & TRDB-061 will mow 90° up and 30° down, while the TRDB-069 will mow 90° up and 35° down. All models come standard with heavy hammer knives and a perfectly balanced rotor for a smooth operation.

Light & Medium Ditchbank Mowers
TRDB-053 53" 90° UP & 30° Down 30 664 lbs.
TRDB-061 61" 90° UP & 30° Down 35 697 lbs.
TRDB-069 69" 90° UP & 35° Down 45 1,002 lbs.
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